Megami Studios has been around since 2004.  With that in mind, we've had a few changes over the years.  The following are brands and projects that have either been discontinued, repurposed, or just sleeping - they might be back someday.


Megami Fonts
Megami Fonts utilized the original 2004 studio logo, as well as some of our initial fonts.  Was absorbed into Incstone Design in the 2017 corporate reorganization. 

Incstone Design
The initial version of Incstone offered graphic and web design.  Incstone became the new home for Megami Fonts during the 2017 reorganization.  However, Incstone still offers design capabilities.
Freshbaked was our initial mercantile division, doing much the same as the later Atelier division.  Was retired in 2012 due to confusion with a company in the same industry.
  Atelier Megami
One of Megami's earliest brands, the Atelier was originally a series of how-to-draw-manga-style workshops held at conventions and comic shops in partnership with Kamikaze Anime.  The Atelier was closed in 2010 and was revived in 2017 as Megami's mercantile division, replacing Freshbaked.  The Atelier name was retired due to the changes in Megami's retail plans.


  Claude & Monet
The original version of Claude & Monet ran from 2011 - 2014 and was suspended while Megami went into a slow period.  With the upcoming relaunch of the series, the original will be made available on a subsite for those who remember where it all began.
Hana Road Fruit Party
Our first webcomic, Hana Road Fruit Party briefly ran in 2005 and was suspended while in talks with a publisher.  Sadly, those talks fell through and the series is now on hold while we retool it for an updated run. 

Happy Fun-Time Adventure for Knowing!
The most annoying, obnoxious and insulting gameshow ever where the only way to win is to lose, HFTAFK! was presented at conventions from 2006 - 2011.  Featuring questions that would stump MENSA members and the most irritating host ever, the show was retired in 2011 upon the departure of the actor playing Mr. Quiz.

Anime Aid
A joint project of Megami, Anime USA and Katsucon, Anime Aid was designed to assist in raising funds for the 2011 Touhou Earthquake. The program was retired once the funds were disbursed, and all three organizations are proud to have taken part in such a special event.

  Tokyo Teleport
The original Tokyo Teleport was a serial fiction site, which was closed in 2009 during restructuring.  The name was revived in 2017 as Megami's publishing division.

pure was our jpop music blog, covering the extensive knowledge of the subject Rob had acquired during his years living there.  The blog was sold to Rainfall Media in 2008. 

Greywalker Online
Ayne's online site operated from 2017 - 2023, showcasing her art, wit and wisdom.  The site was retired as a result of Megami's stream retooling, and Ayne's desire to focus on Dreaming Kitty.

A more...unique...joint project with Mecha Software, DRTBagz (or Destiny Reporting Talkshow, if you want to use the "official" name) was an attempt to blend humor and gaming along with info about Bungie's game Destiny 2.  The show was cancelled upon the move to Kick as the schedules of the primary hosts had changed.

A pop culture blog, pretty much discussing whatever comes to mind..and updating whenever we get around to it.  Unlike our previous versions, however, this is for the eclectic-minded, whose thoughts wander, hence the name.

Was retired in 2022 due to a catastrophic failure that destroyed both the blog itself and the backups.  Some articles may remain on Rob's old Livejournal and the Wayback Machine.  There are no current plans to resurrect the blog.


A joint project with Mecha Software, BookFesta is our annual online author's seminar!  Held every January, we gather some of the best small press authors and artists to help you learn how to create the best methods to get your work out to the world!

Was retired in 2023 due to Mecha Software's separate publishing plans.


For our current line-up, please click here.